Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem
Seizing the Day by Living God's Word!

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Final Carpe Diem Post

Today, my friends, brings an end to our year long journey through the Bible. I actually finished my year-long Bible reading plan the day after Christmas. What a joy it was to read through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice. I hope you found blessing reading God's Word this year!

As I close out these postings ... here are two final thoughts for you to turn over in your mind:

1. The Bible is a special book. What makes it special is that it is the very word of God. I know that is probably a given to many who read this blog. But we do need reminded of this from time to time. God moved in forty different individuals so that, at the end of the day, when they laid down their pen, what they had written was exactly what God wanted written (2 Peter 1:21; 2 Timothy 3:15-17). Therefore the Bible can be said to be sufficient (it contains all that we need to live godly lives), clear (it's truths are plainly taught and can be understood by all who have ears to hear or eyes to read), authoritative (God always has the last word on what we are to believe and how we are to behave) and necessary (we need God's word to tell us about ourselves, our world and our savior, Jesus Christ). Now given all of this, it makes sense that this special book needs to have a special place in our lives. Neglecting it will lead to only heartbreak and misery.

2. The Bible is like other books. I write this because some approach the Bible (given what I just wrote about it above) as if it were some sort of magical or mystical book. Therefore, only those granted some sort of special supernatural insight can truly understand it. Now, it is true that the Holy Spirit does illuminate the Scripture for us and does work in our hearts to prepare the soil there to receive God's truth. But the Bible is a piece of literature, and therefore, we cannot ignore the basic principles of interpreting what we read. This past summer, during a series on understanding what the Bible really says, I offered up a the following basic principles (or TIPS) toward a proper understanding of the Scripture:

Take a look at the context: Every verse has a certain context … and if you ignore the historical and literary context of any Bible passage you are reading, you are setting yourself up for wrongly handling the Bible!  (I would guess that 80% of the wrong handling of Scripture occurs when people rip a verse of out its context. Once this is done, you can make the Bible say a lot of things that it does not say!) So make sure you take a look at the background of the passage … answering basic questions like WHEN was it written, WHO wrote it and to WHOM were they writing, WHY was it written, etc.) One of the best tools to use is simply a good studyBible (vs. a devotional Bible).  

Intentionally compare Scripture with Scripture: Since the Bible, though penned by forty different human authors, is the product of one divine mind … then it would make sense that what God says in one place in the Bible would help us to make sense of what he says elsewhere. So we must get intentional about using the Bible to help us understand the Bible! Or in other words, the Bible should be the Bible interpreter’s best friend!  Again … a good STUDY Bible will help you do this!

Pray before opening: Since the Bible is unique among books as God’s living and active word, then it would make sense that we should ask God to speak to us through it. To help you to do this, consider these three distinct prayers from the Old Testament love poem (Psalm 119): 

Psalm 119:18
Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.

Psalm 119:36
Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!

Psalm 119:133
Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me.

Start Digging!  Just MAKE the time, open your Bible, and get to reading!  Or, in the words communicated by the famous Nike swoosh, JUST DO IT!

I surely do hope and pray that the effort you made in 2014 to SEIZE THE DAY by knowing and living God's Word will carry over to this new year of 2015 (and beyond!). 

Thanks for stopping by . . .

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Toward Understanding the Bible

A reason given by many Christians as to why they do not read the Bible with any consistency is because they are unable to understand it. Now I will readily admit that there are some sections of Scripture that can be a bit intimidating when it comes to trying to understand what is being said (Leviticus and Revelation come to mind!). But God did not give us His Word to confuse us. He wants us to read and understand the Bible so that we can get to know HIM better!  

To help you better understand the Bible, here is a brief article that I found to be quite helpful. 

Thanks for stopping by . . . and don't forget to SEIZE THE DAY by knowing and living God's Word! 


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Five Questions to Ask to Better Your Bible Reading

Did you ever read a passage in the Bible and wonder what it all meant? Of course you have. I know I have. But there are ways to take the "mystery" out of our Bible reading and replace it with understanding that will impact how we live. To help you, check out this article Five Tips to Improve Your Bible Reading. In it, the author suggests five questions to ask each portion of the Bible that you read. Looking over his questions, I would say that you won't go wrong in utilizing any or all of them!

Thanks for stopping by . . . and don't forget to SEIZE THE DAY by knowing and living God's Word!

Why Doesn't God Ever Speak to Me in the Bible?

Often when we open the Bible, we do so expecting to "hear" from God. We desperately desire this as we want our lives to change for the better. But all too often, we open, read, and then close the Bible and God remains silent.

If this is you ... or even if it isn't ... take a few moments and head to Desiring God Ministries web site and read (and watch) ... The Bible Is a Book Like Any Other. It will be time very well spent!

Thanks for stopping by . . . and don't forget to SEIZE the day by knowing and living God's Word!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Too Busy to Read the Bible!

Many people who claim to want to follow Jesus also claim they are just too busy to take the time necessary to read the Bible on a consistent basis. However, since Jesus makes His plan for this life (and the next!) known to us through the pages of the Scripture . . . then how in the world can we follow him if we are not reading HIS plan?

I realize that all of us our busy. But I do NOT believe any of us are too busy to be in God's Word. To help you make the time necessary to get into the Bible . . . here is an insightful article that should prove helpful: How to Find Time to Read the Bible: Ten Christian Tips. 

Thanks for stopping by . . . and don't forget to SEIZE THE DAY by knowing and living God's Word!


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Why Read the Bible

A couple of my youngest grandchildren are at the age when a child discovers the magical word "why." And so after every statement we make, we can anticipate being asked "why?" I am sure you know how it goes ... 

"Time to pick up your toys." 
"Because your mommy will be here soon to pick you up." 
"Because it's time for you to go home." (and thinking ... "So Grammy and Papa can get some rest!") 
And on and on it goes. 

Even though little children may go a bit overboard in their use of the "why" question, it remains a good question to ask. So ... WHY READ THE BIBLE? Here is a brief article from the Pocket Testament League that answers that question. I hope you take some time to read it ... and then read your Bible! 

Thanks for stopping by . . . and don't forget to SEIZE THE DAY by KNOWING and LIVING God's Word!


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Why Should We Read the Bible?

D. A. Carson is one of the leading evangelical New Testament scholars of today. In this five minute video, Dr. Carson answers the question (and answers it quite well!), "What should be our goal in reading the Bible?"  I encourage you to "take five" and watch this insightful interview. It will be teim well spent!

Why Read the Bible? from Desiring God on Vimeo.

Thanks for stopping by . . . and don't forget to SEIZE the day by knowing and living God's Word!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

When Your Chid Asks Why You Believe the Bible . . .

Part of parenting involves being asked those difficult questions by our children. Questions like "Why is the sky blue?" and "Why do dogs chase cats?" And then there are those tough theological questions. I can still recall as if it were yesterday an occasion when I was pushing one of my children on a swing. We began talking about God and Jesus. Then the question came: "Daddy, if Jesus is God, then who is Jesus talking to when he was praying to God on the cross?" I must admit that it was a tough road trying to explain the concept of the Trinity to a six-year-old!

Among the questions our children are prone to ask concerning our faith, is the question as to why we believe the Bible to be God's Word. To help you along this way in answering this question not only for your children but also for yourself, take a moment to read the following excellent article titled, Be ready to answer your kids questions about the Bible. It's a good read! And of course, you will have to take this material and make it age appropriate for your children.

Thanks for stopping by… And don't forget to seize the day by knowing and living God's word!


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Reading and studying the Bible does not have to be hard!

All too often, after spending time reading our Bibles, we walk away confused ... frustrated because three simple steps for studying the Bible. These steps are well proven (I have been using them for years). Many who have applied them in the reading of Scripture, have discovered a far richer experience in reading the Bible than they had ever experienced before. This can be true for you.
we did not understand what we read, or disappointed that we got a lot less out of our reading than we had hoped for. Well I have good news for you if you are in this camp: this does not have to be your experience. You don't need a PhD or even a Bible college education to read and study the Bible in a profitable manner. I encourage you to take a few minutes to read through this brief article which discusses

Thanks for stopping by… And don't forget to seize the day by knowing and living God's word!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Reflections on God's Word from God's Word

I have a lot of what I would consider favorite chapters of the Bible. For example, I just love the first chapter of the Gospel of John and what it tells us about God the son and how he became one of us. I also can't get enough of Philippians chapter 2,  and what Paul tells us about the Lord Jesus Christ and his humiliation followed by his glorification in verses five through 11. Romans chapter 8 is yet another favorite as the chapter begins with the reality of "no condemnation" and finishes with the truth of "no separation" for those who are in Christ. But I also have some Old Testament chapter faves as well. Isaiah chapter 40 speaks of the greatness and majesty of our God. Genesis 1 reminds us that the Bible is preeminently the story of God. And then there's Psalm 119. This particular psalm is not only the longest psalm in the book, but it is the longest chapter in the entire Bible. It is a love poem. It's not about the love of a man for a woman, or a woman for her children. Rather it describes an individual's love for God's Word. It's the kind of love for God's Word that I hope to one day have!

To help you to better understand this tremendous Psalm, here's a link to an excellent article on the Psalm and what it teaches us about the Bible. I hope you take a few minutes to read it, and even go back to it more than once. It's that good!

Thanks for stopping by ... And don't forget to seize the day by knowing and living God's Word!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Charles Spurgeon may very well be the most read pastor of all time. Even though he died over 120 years ago, dozens of his books can still be ordered off of  Amazon's web site. If you haven't read anything by Spurgeon, you wouldn't go wrong by deciding to do so! 

To encourage you to continue in the Scripture, here is a quote that I must say is vintage Spurgeon. Enjoy!  

“There are times when solitude is better than society, and silence is wiser than speech. We should be better Christians if we were more alone, waiting upon God, and gathering through meditation on His Word spiritual strength for labour in his service. We ought to muse upon the things of God, because we thus get the real nutriment out of them. . . . Why is it that some Christians, although they hear many sermons, make but slow advances in the divine life? Because they neglect their closets, and do not thoughtfully meditate on God's Word. They love the wheat, but they do not grind it; they would have the corn, but they will not go forth into the fields to gather it; the fruit hangs upon the tree, but they will not pluck it; the water flows at their feet, but they will not stoop to drink it. From such folly deliver us, O Lord. . . .” 

Thanks for stopping by ... and SEIZE THE DAY by KNOWING and LIVING God's Word! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Reignite Your Passion for God's Word!

Wow! Here we are almost half way through the month of September. A quick look just now at my calendar reminds me that autumn arrives in just 9 days! Already, night is coming quicker and leaves are beginning to litter my back yard. For those of you who took up our Carpe Diem challenge, the year will soon be up. Some of you are still "at it," reading your Bible on a regular if not daily basis. I know. You have told me so. Others are still in the Book, but have fallen behind (in some cases, way behind) in their reading plan. And there are are still others who have just given up.

No matter where you are, all of us could stand from time to time a reigniting of our passion for the Word. I encourage you to take just a few moments (that's all it will take) to read this writer's take on 7 Ways to Ignite Passion for Reading the Bible. It will be time well spent!

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to SEIZE THE DAY by knowing and living God's Word!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How to Read the Bible and Enjoy It!

Since committing my life to Jesus Christ at the age of 16, God has instilled in my heart a love for His Word. I recall in the first weeks following my conversion, I read through the entire New Testament. It seemed like in those early days of my faith journey, I could not get enough of God's Word! Now, some forty-two years later, I still love the Scriptures. However, there are days that my time reading the Bible get squeezed out by other demands. I am not all that surprised by that, for I know that the Enemy of our souls doesn't want us in the Bible. So if he can push us away from God's book ... he will! Therefore, we all need encouragement and help stay the course! With this in mind, here are seven helpful tips to help you keep on keeping on in God's Word from Michael Hyatt,  the former CEO of the massive Christian publisher, Thomas Nelson. He has some really good things to say. I hope you will take the time to read and think about his suggestions. They will help you!

Thanks for stopping by . . .

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Reading the Bible Prayerfully and Obediently

Today I read the results of a recent study of evangelicals and their spiritual lives. One of the stats cited as a result of this research is that only about 30% of those surveyed said they were in the Bible daily. That's less than one third. Ouch! Given how important the Bible is to living out our faith (John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:14-17), the reality that only 1 in 3 Christians are interacting with the Bible on a day to day basis in quite disturbing.

So my question for you is this? Are you that 1 of 3? Or, if push came to shove, would you have to admit to being 1 of the 2 who are not daily in the Word of God?

One reason we launched this spiritual growth initiative that we have called CARPE DIEM is to encourage our people here at Grace to get into the Scriptures on a daily basis. Anything else is simply not enough!

If you have a few minutes, I would STRONGLY encourage you to read the following article, Reading the Bible Prayerfully and Obediently. It's good ... really good. And it may be just the push you need to be doing what you really need to be doing: spending time daily in the Bible!

Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE THE DAY by KNOWING and LIVING God's Word!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

When We Best Learn the Bible

Since late April, I have been suffering through a health issue. My family doctor referred me to an orthopedic
doctor. He in turn ordered an MRI. I had the MRI on Monday ... now I am waiting for the results. I must admit that I am getting a bit frustrated with the time it has taken to get to this point (in part due to my own already scheduled vacation time). But I am glad I can see the light of at the end of the tunnel (and I sure hope it is NOT the light of an approaching train!).

One thing God is teaching me through this is patience! Patience is something I seem to have on some days ... but totally lack the next (especially when driving)!  But patience is a good thing. And patience in reading and studying the Bible is a necessary thing! Really?  Take a moment and read the following blog post from Desiring God Ministries: When We Best Learn the Bible. 

And thanks for stopping by . . .

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Reading the Old Testament for All It's Worth!

For many Christians, the thought of reading the Old Testament can be quite intimidating. Apart from a few of its more familiar stories (Noah and the Ark, Joseph and his many colored coat, David and Goliath ... just to name a few), the Old Testament is a strange and mysterious place. We don't understand the Old Testament world nor do we understand how the 39 books of the Old Testament fit together.

For this reason, I thought I would encourage you to take a moment to read some insights from Chuck Swindoll on Reading the OT for All It's Worth! It's a good and profitable read!

Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE THE DAY ... by KNOWING and LIVING God's Word!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Why Reading the Bible Needs to Be a Part of Your Daily Routine

I probably start sounding like the proverbial broken record when I bring up the need for Christians to be in God's Word on a daily basis. I do so because I know from observation that probably the vast majority of professing Christians are NOT in the Word daily. This is concerning because we live in a world system that is under the control of the Evil One (1 John 5:19). This means that we are being bombarded 24/7/365 with a lot of godless garbage. We MUST combat that input with the input of God's Truth. God's Truth is found in the pages of the Bible (John 17:17). And we must do so everyday.

I invite you to take a moment and read this very brief article that answers the question, Why read the Bible? It will be time well spent!

Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE THE DAY by KNOWING and LIVING God's Word!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Is Your Bible Reading Just One Item on Your To Do List OR Is It Something More?

All of us have many activities screaming at us day in and day out. Call for a dentist appointment. Fold the laundry. Cut the grass. Feed the dog (or the kids). Pay the bills. Fold more laundry. Clean out the cat's litter box (so GLAD I don;t have a cat!). Vacuum the living room. Empty the dishwasher. Drive to work. OHHH ... and at the end of the day ... collapse into bed! Few of us want to add anything else to our daily routine. Yet we know we should be in the Bible regularly, if not daily. SOOOO ... how can we approach our time in God's Word as something more than just an item to cross off our to do list?

Lydia Brownback offers an insightful and brief article, Deleting Bible Study from Your Mental Checklist. Take a moment and give it a read. You will be better for it!

Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE THE DAY by KNOWING and LIVING God's Word!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

PJ's Spiritual Meanderings: Are You Bored with the Bible?

PJ's Spiritual Meanderings: Are You Bored with the Bible?: I am sure you have had the experience (more often, I'd guess, than you would like to admit) of opening your Bible only to find yourse...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Bible Abuse and Neglect

The Bible is all too often a "victim." That's right ... a "victim." How so? More times than one would think, the Bible is abused, most often by being misused. Yep. People rip a verse or two from the Bible, twist it, add some of their own seasoning to it ... and then seek to apply it to a particular situation they are facing. Bottom line: they end up making the Bible say something that it doesn't say! This summer at Grace we are addressing this rampant problem through a Sunday morning sermon series, "What Does the Bible Really Say? A Closer Look at Some of the Most Misused Verses in the Bible." This series will run through Sunday, August 31st.

But what about the other "crime" against the Bible: that of neglect? Really? Do people who claim to love God and follow Jesus neglect the Bible? Hmm. All we have to do to answer this is to take a look in a mirror. So ... what can we do about this?  I encourage you to take a moment to read, Why We Neglect Reading Our Bible.  The author, former Lancaster Bible College professor, Steve Nichols, offers up some very helpful insights ... that will help you as you seek to SEIZE THEY DAY by KNOWING and LIVING God's Word!

Thanks for stopping by  . . . and Carpe Diem!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Two Words to Remember as You Read Your Bible

The Bible is indeed a unique book. That means it is ONE OF A KIND! It claims to be inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16). This means that even though the Bible was penned by forty different individuals, it has one ultimate author: God (2 Peter 1:21)! Every time we open the Book, we are about to hear from God Himself! Wow! Truly amazing!

Knowing this, there are a couple of words that should describe how we read the Bible.

1. We should read dependently. Not only has God given us the gift of His Word, but he has also given us the gift of His Holy Spirit. One of the activities of the Spirit of God is to shed light on God's truth so that we might understand it (John 16:13-14). Knowing this, every time we read the Bible, we should begin with a prayer like that of the psalmist, "Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of your law" (Psalm 119:18).

2. We should also read expectantly. Since the Bible is God's word to us and has been given to us to "thoroughly equip us for ever good work" (2 Timothy 3:17) and given that God has saved us and continues to work in us so that we might do good works (Ephesians 2:10), it makes sense to believe God wants to speak to us through His word. Therefore, when you open your Bible, expect to hear from God! The Scriptures are alive (Hebrews 4:12). God WILL, through the working of His Spirit in your mind and heart, give you wisdom and insight for whatever you need as you spend time in the Bible. You can count on it!

Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE TODAY by knowing and living God's word!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Asking the Right Questions Can Be a Key to Knowing and Living the Bible

When it comes to reading the Bible, do you open it ... quickly read through whatever your daily plan tells you to read ... and then close it, never giving much thought to what the text actually means? I am guessing that we (and note I include myself in this) all too often rush through our reading just to get it done. Then we put our Bible down (or close the Bible reading app we use) and get on with life. It's no wonder that the Bible does little for us as we seek to live out our Christian Faith.

One powerful tool we can use to reverse this ... and see the Bible come alive (because it IS a living book - Hebrews 4:12) is the ASKING OF QUESTIONS. But to be effective, we must ask the RIGHT questions of the text.

Steve Nichols, former professor of Bible and Theology at Lancaster Bible College and now President of Reformation Bible College, chief academic officer for Ligonier Ministries, and a Ligonier teaching fellow, has some very insightful comments. Find them here in his blog post, Don't Miss the Point: Questions to Ask While Reading Scripture. It's good stuff! 

Thanks for stopping by . . . and don't forget to SEIZE THE DAY by knowing an living God's Word! 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Putting God's Word into Practice!

I recently ran across a great blog post about applying the Bible to life. I have cut and pasted the opening thoughts of the blog in hopes that it will motivate you to read the whole thing. It's good stuff! From Desiring God Ministries . . . 
We all want to be “doers of the word, and not hearers only” (James 1:22).
"Who wants to feel the failure or share in the shame of being pegged like one “who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror . . . and goes away and at once forgets what he was like” (James 1:23–24[2])? It would seem like Bible application is an essential spiritual discipline to consciously pursue every time we encounter God’s word — but that depends on how we define “application.”
The key question we need to answer is what effect should regular Bible intake have on our hearts and lives — and how does it happen?"
IF you would like to read more on this topic of applying the Bible to our lives, please click here. You won't be disappointed! 
Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE THE DAY by knowing an living the Word of God! 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Need for God's Word

Bill Bright, founder of CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ), authored well over one hundred Ten Steps to Spiritual Maturity. The fifth step involves the Bible. Among the topics he discusses concerning the Bible is the Christian's NEED for the Bible. What he has to say is really good stuff!  Here is his introduction:
books and booklets. Among these is the classic,

"Before I became a believer in Jesus Christ, God's Word didn't make any sense to me. I tried to read it occasionally during my high school and college days, but found it boring. Finally, I concluded that no really intelligent person could believe the Bible.

But when I became a Christian, my life was transformed, and my attitudes concerning the Scriptures changed. I realized that the Bible was truly the holy, inspired Word of God. For almost fifty years it has been more important to me than the thousands of books in my library combined.
Why is the Bible so important to the Christian? Let me share five basic reasons..."

To discover his five reasons as to why Christians NEED the Bible, check out his full article here. 

I hope you are keeping on with your Bible reading plan for 2014. Knowing and living the Scriptures is the path toward a deeper love for God, a hotter love for others, and a growing impact upon the world we live in! 

Thanks for stopping by . . . and CARPE DIEM! 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Powerful Rain of God's Word!

The Bible is no ordinary book. It claims to be the written word of God. Yes, the Bible was written by some forty different men. But, the Bible itself claims that these men were "carried along by the Holy Spirit" so that, at the end of the day, what they had written was indeed God's words (2 Peter 1:21). Elsewhere, the Bible tells us that "all Scripture is God-breathed" and as such is profitable for all of life (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Best selling author Paul Tripp recently wrote an article on the power of the Bible. He concludes the article with these words:

"The purpose of this Article is not to persuade you to rise at 5:00am everyday and read the entire Bible in 365 days. It's very possible to read the Bible diligently and with a hard heart. 

Instead, I wrote this Article in the hope that you might admit to three things: your dependence on God, your sinful heart, and your need for change. If you read the Bible with that type of humility, get ready to be soaked with the powerful rain of God's Word!"

Do you need a heart penetrating article that will remind you of the power of the Bible? Take a moment and read the rest of Tripp's article. Then open your Bible and experience what he calls, "the powerful rain of God's Word!" 

Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE YOUR DAY by reading and living the Word of God! 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Are There Good Reasons to Believe the Bible is Indeed God's Word?

Often Christians are seen as people who check their minds at the door of Faith. According to many, Christians may be people of faith, but it is a faith based on fanciful myths and legends. Yet in reality, nothing is further from the truth. God wants us to have an informed faith. A faith that is based on hard evidence from time space-time history. Much of this evidence is from the Bible.

So that begs the question, "Are there good reasons to believe the Bible is indeed God's Word?" The answer is YES! There are numerous lines of evidence that point to the reality that the Bible is indeed the inspired ("God-breathed") Word of God. The president of Scripture Union, Whitney Kuniholm offers up his list of the Top Ten Reasons the Bible is True.  I encourage you to take some time to read through his list. Your faith will be better informed and therefore stronger as a result.

Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE THE DAY by better knowing and living God's Word!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Help! I Keep Trying and Failing to Keep My Bible Reading Plan!

So many Christians set goals and adopt plans for daily Bible reading. But after a fast start, the missed days turn into missed weeks and ... all too often ... the well intended goals and plans go by the wayside. 

SO ... is this YOUR experience? If so what can YOU do about getting back into the Word and staying on track? Is there any hope?  The answer is YES ... there IS hope! Please take a moment to read this article from Desiring God Ministries. It's good stuff! 

Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE THE DAY by knowing and living the Scriptures!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Open and Read!

Our Carpe Diem, Spiritual Growth Initiative is based on the assumption that Bible reading is not merely a good spiritual discipline to practice ... but a necessary one. One of the best web sites that offers answers to questions about the Bible or the Christian faith is It is my "go-to" site to find quick (and solid) answers to questions that I am sometimes asked.

In answer to the question, "Why should we read or study the Bible?", the website offers the following answers:

1. We should read/study the Bible for it is God's word to us.
2. We should read/study the Bible because it is totally reliable and without error.
3. We should read/study the Bible because God does not change and because mankind's nature does not change; it is as relevant for us as it was when it was first written.
4. We should read/study the Bible because there is so much false teaching.
5. We should read/study the Bible for it equips us to serve God.
6. We should read/study the Bible for it helps us to see beyond the attractive "bait" to the "hook" in sinful temptations, so we can learn from others' mistakes rather than making them ourselves.

Wow! Those are six VERY SOLID reasons as to why we need to know the book ... and apply the book! And if you want to read more of this article, check it out here. 

Thanks for stopping by . . . and CARPE DIEM by knowing and living God's Word!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Get Active as You Read Your Bible!

Far too many Christians get in what I call the "Read it, forget it and get on with your life" rut when it comes to reading the Bible. We know we should read it. We feel guilty when we don't. So ... dutifully we check our plan (and I sure do hope you have a plan!), open (or swipe) to our assigned reading, get it done, and move on with our daily routine. Then we wonder why we don't ever see any forward progress in our faith journey!

I urge you to become an active reader of the Scriptures. It's been said that the Bible is not primarily for information ... but TRANSFORMATION. For this to happen, we must become active in our reading!

So ... what does an active reader of Scripture look like? Check out this brief article, 5 Ways to Active Bible Reading, found on I encourage you to write down the 5 Ways ... and then read them before you begin reading. Ask God to help you  become a more active reader of His Word. It will make a huge difference in your life!

Thanks for stopping by . . .

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Making Bible Reading an Act of Worship

Here is a tip from theologian author, J.I. Packer for you to keep in mind as you read the Bible (and always remind yourself of what the Bible is: It is the revelation of the nature, character, ways and will of the God who designed us, created us, and even now sustains us).

“How can we turn our knowledge about God into knowledge of God? The rule for doing this is simple but demanding. It is that we turn each Truth that we learn about God into matter for meditation before God, leading to prayer and praise to God.” (J.I. Packer in Knowing God)

So as you read, ask yourself, "What is this passage teaching me about God ... His nature, character, ways and will?" Then take your answer and spend some time mentally chewing on it (which is what meditation is all about, chewing over something in your mind). Finish up with prayer and praise concerning whatever it is about God upon which you have been mediating. Do this, and your Bible reading will be much richer! 

Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE THE DAY! 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Read Your Bible More and More

Author and pastor John Piper comments on why we need to be regularly in the Bible. I encourage you to take a moment and read what he has to say ... it is GOOD stuff!

Don’t rest on past reading. Read your Bible more and more every year. Read it whether you feel like reading it or not. And pray without ceasing that the joy return and pleasures increase.
Three reasons this is not legalism:
  1. You are confessing your lack of desire as sin, and pleading as a helpless child for the desire you long to have. Legalists don’t cry like that. They strut.
  2. You are reading out of desperation for the effects of this heavenly medicine. Bible-reading is not a cure for a bad conscience; it’s chemo for your cancer. Legalists feel better because the box is checked. Saints feel better when their blindness lifts, and they see Jesus in the word. Let’s get real. We are desperately sick with worldliness, and only the Holy Spirit, by the word of God, can cure this terminal disease.
  3. It is not legalism because only justified people can see the preciousness and power of the Word of God. Legalists trudge with their Bibles on the path toward justification. Saints sit down in the shade of the cross and plead for the blood-bought pleasures.
So lets give heed to Mr. Ryle and never grow weary of the slow, steady, growth that comes from the daily, disciplined, increasing, love affair with reading the Bible.
Do not think you are getting no good from the Bible, merely because you do not see that good day by day. The greatest effects are by no means those which make the most noise, and are most easily observed. The greatest effects are often silent, quiet, and hard to detect at the time they are being produced.
Think of the influence of the moon upon the earth, and of the air upon the human lungs. Remember how silently the dew falls, and how imperceptibly the grass grows. There may be far more doing than you think in your soul by your Bible-reading. (J. C. Ryle, Practical Religion, 
Thanks for stopping by . . .

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Why Even Bother to Read and Study the Bible?

Earlier this month, pastor-author Kevin DeYoung released a book titled, Taking God at His Word. The book is a brief introduction to the area of theology known as bibliology (the doctrine of the Bible). It is one of the best books I have ever run across of its kind. It is readable, relevant and in today's world of the church, refreshing. Concerning the Bible, DeYoung writes that "it is final (the authority of the Word), it is understandable (the clarity of the Word), it is necessary (the necessity of the Word) and it is enough (the sufficiency of the Word). 

So why even bother to read and study the Bible? DeYoung would answer "Because it is knowable, final, necessary and enough." And he's right! 

Thanks for stopping by . . . 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Another Person Weighs in on the Value of Our Carpe Diem Initiative!

Here is another story about the benefit a participant is gleaning from our Carpe Diem spiritual growth initiative: 

"I always enjoy spending time in God's Word and discussing what I am learning with other people who love God's Word too, but I have never been in a situation where I was able to have conversations with people who are reading the same exact passages as me! There has been a bonding, intimate experience to know that the things that I am reading are also being read by the people in my church family. Truly an experience of Christ's Church, Our Family" 

This is good stuff! And remember, it's never too late to get started! 

Thanks for stopping by . . . and remember: SEIZE THE DAY .... by knowing and living the Word of God! 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Is Bible Reading All That Important?

In the midst of life's busy routines, we often need a good reminder that taking the time to read and reflect on God's Word is time well ... VERY well ... invested. Here are some thoughts from others about the importance of spending time in the Scriptures.

"Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ." (Jerome, A.D. 340-420)

"THIS BOOK contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners and the happiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword and the Christian's charter. Here paradise is restored, heaven opened and the gates of hell disclosed. Christ is its grand object, our good is its design and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be opened in the judgment, and will be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labor, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents." (Anonymous)

“The more you continue to read Scripture, the more you begin to think as He thinks and act as He acts. And that’s how, over time, you gain the wisdom of the ages.” (Wayne Corderio)

Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE THE DAY! 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Here's a Note from a Couple Who Are Seizing Their Day!

Here is another note I received when I asked our church family for stories about their involvement in our Carpe Diem spiritual growth initiative for 2014. 

"My wife and I would not consider ourselves Bible scholars—but we have been regularly students and readers of God’s word for many years.  Many times we/I have started an annual reading program and sure enough, early in the program I fell behind-- and never caught up again—BUT this year under the challenge or our Spiritual Growth initiative at Grace—my wife and I have been doing the complete reading/journaling together.  AND we are right on schedule. Today we just finished Numbers—and we are enjoying all the detail of God’s story—many details that I have skipped over before.

Thank you for encouraging this program and holding us accountable."

Thanks for stopping by ... and SEIZE YOUR DAY ... by knowing and living God's Word! 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

So ... What Is Meditating on the Bible All About?

One of the mandates of the Bible is that we meditate on what we read from the Bible. For example, in Joshua 1:8, Joshua is commanded by God to mediate on the Law "day and night" and in Psalm 1 we are told that we will be blessed as we do so! Given that mediation on the Scriptures is so vital to our spiritual growth, what is it? How does one go about the practice of biblical meditation? Rick Warren offers up the following simple and practical explanation: 

"I can remember hearing great sermons or in-depth Bible teaching and wondering how the teacher found all those great nuggets of truth in God’s Word. That’s why I wrote my first book 35 years ago: to help people like me. “Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods” shares 12 methods of Bible study, such as the chapter summary method, the topical method, and the verse-by-verse method.
One of my favorites is the devotional Bible study method. If you were to summarize the devotional method in one word, it would probably be “meditate.” For many, the word “meditate” is a bad word. They associate it with Eastern or New Age religions. Some Christians, when they think of meditation, picture people folding their bodies into pretzels and contemplating the lint on their navel.
That may be Eastern or Buddhist meditation, but it’s not Christian meditation. The Bible uses the word “meditate” 29 times in the New International Version to describe a believer’s devotional life. God wants us to meditate.
He promises us that if we meditate on Scripture, he’ll bless us. Joshua 1:8 says, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (NIV).
So, according to God, you have to meditate on his Word if you want to be successful.
So how do you do it? Grab a dictionary and look up a synonym for “meditation,” and you’ll probably find the word “rumination.” You probably don’t know that word unless you happen to be a farmer. Rumination is what a cow does when she chews her cud. She rolls her cud over and over in her mouth.
That’s similar to how you meditate on Scripture. Cows eat the grass, chew it up, and send it to their stomachs pretty quickly. There it lies in the stomach, soaking up all of those acids and chemicals. Then, after a while, the cow burps it back up with a new and renewed flavor, chews on that grass and some other grass, and does the whole process over again. Cows repeat this several times. They get every ounce of nutrition out of the grass.
Biblical meditation is kind of like that; it’s thought digestion. God wants us to get every ounce of spiritual nutrition out of his Word. He wants us to chew on it, digest it, and then chew on it some more." 

Thanks for stopping by ... and SEIZE THE DAY! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Before You Open Your Bible . . . .

It's always necessary to pray before you open your Bible to read and study it. Asking God to come alongside of you to help you understand and ultimately apply what you have read is not only a good thing ... it is indeed a necessary thing! To help you do so, here is a prayer you might want to make your own.

Gracious and holy Father, give us the wisdom to discover you, the intelligence to understand you, the diligence to seek after you, the patience to wait for you, eyes to behold you, a heart to meditate on you, and a life to proclaim you, through the power of the spirit of Jesus, our Lord. Amen
  (Inspired by St Benedict of Nursia)

Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE THE DAY! 

Friday, March 14, 2014

A Note from Someone Who is SEIZING HER DAY!

Recently I told our church family that I was hoping to hear some of their stories concerning their involvement in our Carpe Diem spiritual growth initiative. Here is one response I received:

"I have decided to read the shorter version of the Psalms and the New Testament, thinking that I may read the Old Testament next year.  I hate to read and never did comprehend well even in my school days.  So this is quite a challenge for me.  I have always wanted to read the Bible through and have never had a choice in something shorter.  I know I have gotten lax in my reading and this had helped me to get back into it.  I am amazed at the information that I have forgotten over the years, especially all the detail on the parables.  All those Sunday School stories have come back to mind.  I was telling a friend what I was doing and she asked for a copy of it.  So I copied the schedule I am using and now she is reading the same as I am.  She and I both felt overwhelmed to think we had to read the whole Bible in one year.  Some days it is a challenge to find time to read but God is helping me and I am current on the chapters.  I am loving spending time reading each day even though I hate to read.”

Just one story of some really cool things God is doing in the lives of those who are making the choice to "carpe diem" by seeking to know God's Word better and to live it more consistently! 

Thanks for stopping by .... and SEIZE THE DAY! 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Do You Have a Plan to Be in the Bible EVERYDAY?

I hope you have a plan to be in your Bible EVERYDAY. Why everyday? Let me answer that question with another: How many days do you spend living in this world? Every day that you are alive, of course! Now according to God, who is it that controls this evil world system in which we live? The Enemy (1 John 5:19). Therefore, day-in and day-out we are being bombarded by the godless messages of a world that is being pushed increasingly further away from God and His Truth. Reading a bit of the Bible here and there whenever we get around to it just won't be enough to counter the lies we are faced with ALL THE TIME! So ... if you want to grow stronger in your faith and gain the wisdom needed to live a God-honoring life in this broken, fallen world ... then you MUST make it your goal to be in the Bible EVERYDAY! So ... set your plan and ask God to help you to stick to your plan. At the end of the day, you'll be better for doing so!

Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE THE DAY by KNOWING and LIVING the Scriptures! 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Don't Fall Apart!

What Charles Spurgeon wrote well over a century ago is just as true today. When we neglect the Bible, we do so at our own peril. For it is in God's Word that our Creator has laid out for us a blueprint for life to be lived as He intended. A life that is full of meaning and purpose. So ... I hope you are keeping on keeping on with the commitment you made to get into the Bible everyday. And if you have not made that commitment, or if you did but are not longer keeping it, I encourage you to make or renew the commitment to get into the Scriptures. Make a plan ... and stick to the plan. You won't be disappointed if you do so!

Thanks for stopping by . . .  and SEIZE THE DAY as you seek to KNOW and LIVE God's Word!