Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem
Seizing the Day by Living God's Word!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Why Reading the Bible Needs to Be a Part of Your Daily Routine

I probably start sounding like the proverbial broken record when I bring up the need for Christians to be in God's Word on a daily basis. I do so because I know from observation that probably the vast majority of professing Christians are NOT in the Word daily. This is concerning because we live in a world system that is under the control of the Evil One (1 John 5:19). This means that we are being bombarded 24/7/365 with a lot of godless garbage. We MUST combat that input with the input of God's Truth. God's Truth is found in the pages of the Bible (John 17:17). And we must do so everyday.

I invite you to take a moment and read this very brief article that answers the question, Why read the Bible? It will be time well spent!

Thanks for stopping by . . . and SEIZE THE DAY by KNOWING and LIVING God's Word!

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