Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem
Seizing the Day by Living God's Word!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Reflections on God's Word from God's Word

I have a lot of what I would consider favorite chapters of the Bible. For example, I just love the first chapter of the Gospel of John and what it tells us about God the son and how he became one of us. I also can't get enough of Philippians chapter 2,  and what Paul tells us about the Lord Jesus Christ and his humiliation followed by his glorification in verses five through 11. Romans chapter 8 is yet another favorite as the chapter begins with the reality of "no condemnation" and finishes with the truth of "no separation" for those who are in Christ. But I also have some Old Testament chapter faves as well. Isaiah chapter 40 speaks of the greatness and majesty of our God. Genesis 1 reminds us that the Bible is preeminently the story of God. And then there's Psalm 119. This particular psalm is not only the longest psalm in the book, but it is the longest chapter in the entire Bible. It is a love poem. It's not about the love of a man for a woman, or a woman for her children. Rather it describes an individual's love for God's Word. It's the kind of love for God's Word that I hope to one day have!

To help you to better understand this tremendous Psalm, here's a link to an excellent article on the Psalm and what it teaches us about the Bible. I hope you take a few minutes to read it, and even go back to it more than once. It's that good!

Thanks for stopping by ... And don't forget to seize the day by knowing and living God's Word!

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