Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem
Seizing the Day by Living God's Word!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

When Your Chid Asks Why You Believe the Bible . . .

Part of parenting involves being asked those difficult questions by our children. Questions like "Why is the sky blue?" and "Why do dogs chase cats?" And then there are those tough theological questions. I can still recall as if it were yesterday an occasion when I was pushing one of my children on a swing. We began talking about God and Jesus. Then the question came: "Daddy, if Jesus is God, then who is Jesus talking to when he was praying to God on the cross?" I must admit that it was a tough road trying to explain the concept of the Trinity to a six-year-old!

Among the questions our children are prone to ask concerning our faith, is the question as to why we believe the Bible to be God's Word. To help you along this way in answering this question not only for your children but also for yourself, take a moment to read the following excellent article titled, Be ready to answer your kids questions about the Bible. It's a good read! And of course, you will have to take this material and make it age appropriate for your children.

Thanks for stopping by… And don't forget to seize the day by knowing and living God's word!


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