Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem
Seizing the Day by Living God's Word!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Why Read the Bible

A couple of my youngest grandchildren are at the age when a child discovers the magical word "why." And so after every statement we make, we can anticipate being asked "why?" I am sure you know how it goes ... 

"Time to pick up your toys." 
"Because your mommy will be here soon to pick you up." 
"Because it's time for you to go home." (and thinking ... "So Grammy and Papa can get some rest!") 
And on and on it goes. 

Even though little children may go a bit overboard in their use of the "why" question, it remains a good question to ask. So ... WHY READ THE BIBLE? Here is a brief article from the Pocket Testament League that answers that question. I hope you take some time to read it ... and then read your Bible! 

Thanks for stopping by . . . and don't forget to SEIZE THE DAY by KNOWING and LIVING God's Word!


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