Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem
Seizing the Day by Living God's Word!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Reignite Your Passion for God's Word!

Wow! Here we are almost half way through the month of September. A quick look just now at my calendar reminds me that autumn arrives in just 9 days! Already, night is coming quicker and leaves are beginning to litter my back yard. For those of you who took up our Carpe Diem challenge, the year will soon be up. Some of you are still "at it," reading your Bible on a regular if not daily basis. I know. You have told me so. Others are still in the Book, but have fallen behind (in some cases, way behind) in their reading plan. And there are are still others who have just given up.

No matter where you are, all of us could stand from time to time a reigniting of our passion for the Word. I encourage you to take just a few moments (that's all it will take) to read this writer's take on 7 Ways to Ignite Passion for Reading the Bible. It will be time well spent!

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to SEIZE THE DAY by knowing and living God's Word!

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