Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem
Seizing the Day by Living God's Word!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Bible Abuse and Neglect

The Bible is all too often a "victim." That's right ... a "victim." How so? More times than one would think, the Bible is abused, most often by being misused. Yep. People rip a verse or two from the Bible, twist it, add some of their own seasoning to it ... and then seek to apply it to a particular situation they are facing. Bottom line: they end up making the Bible say something that it doesn't say! This summer at Grace we are addressing this rampant problem through a Sunday morning sermon series, "What Does the Bible Really Say? A Closer Look at Some of the Most Misused Verses in the Bible." This series will run through Sunday, August 31st.

But what about the other "crime" against the Bible: that of neglect? Really? Do people who claim to love God and follow Jesus neglect the Bible? Hmm. All we have to do to answer this is to take a look in a mirror. So ... what can we do about this?  I encourage you to take a moment to read, Why We Neglect Reading Our Bible.  The author, former Lancaster Bible College professor, Steve Nichols, offers up some very helpful insights ... that will help you as you seek to SEIZE THEY DAY by KNOWING and LIVING God's Word!

Thanks for stopping by  . . . and Carpe Diem!

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